
SDD -Sensitive Data Discovery, Fast and accurate Sensitive Data Discovery and Masking solution on structured (i.e. database systems), non-structured (i.e. email and file servers), and personal computers (disk and clipboard). SDD can discover and mask sensitive data image files, office documents, PDF files, zip files, text files, etc.

  • Functional Features:
    • Easy and fast installation.
    • Role based easy to use web GUI.
    • Discovery can be done as a whole system scan (Full) or find the differences after the last scan (Delta).
    • Discovery can be done instantly (on demand) or can be scheduled.
    • Exception list support. Any tables, files can be excluded from scanning.
    • Sensitive data discovery is done by checking the field/file name and data contents.
    • The risk factor is calculated for all the scanned objects.
    • Masks and blurs sensitive data in files.
    • Tags (critical, financial, personal, etc ) files.
    • In addition to ready to use scanning criteria, customers can easily add their own criteria options
  • Technical Features:
    • Multi instance, process and thread support
    • Horizontal architecture for high availability and load balancing
    • LDAP integration support to login web GUI
    • Supports mainly used relational databases:
      • Oracle
      • SQL Server
      • IBM DB2 (LUV, Z/Os)
      • PostgreSQL
      • MySQL
      • MariaDB
    • Supports mainly used nonSQL databases:
      • MongoDB
      • Cassandra
    • Supports mainly used files:
      • Office documents- Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc
      • Image Files- jpg, jpeg, bmp, png, tiff, vb
      • PDF Files
      • Text Files- txt, json, xml, log, vb
      • Zip Files- zip, rar, 7z, vb
      • Miscellaneous: Images in office documents